Monday, July 8th
9:30 am
Dirty Dozen Fiber Artists Meeting-Melbourne
2:30 pm
luckystars: Lucky Stars Quilt Class with Beth - Melbourne
Tuesday, July 9th
10:00 am
Pro1: Prostitcher Class with Phil-Sebastian
10:00 am
Make & Take: Make & Take Coasters -Melbourne
10:30 am
Miniquilts: Kimberbell Mini Quilts Volume 2 Class - Melbourne
1:00 pm
Crismulti: Holiday Towels on the Multineedle with Cris-Sebastian
2:30 pm
Blanketing Brevard Meeting-Melbourne
Wednesday, July 10th
10:30 am
Hat Trick Table Runner Class with Beth-Melbourne
1:00 pm
Quilts of Valor Meeting - Melbourne
Thursday, July 11th
11:00 am
IQ/My Design Center Club with Beth-Melbourne
1:00 pm
Traditions: Traditions Quilt Class with Anne - Sebastian
2:00 pm
Roman Stripes: Holiday Strip Tubing-Freestyle Roman Stripes with Marcia-Melbourne
Friday, July 12th
10:00 am
Philtr: Longarm Table Runner Class with Phil - Sebastian
Saturday, July 13th
10:30 am
Tannenbaum: Tannenbaum Table Runner with Jennifer-Melbourne
1:00 pm
Argyle: Argyle Quilt with Marcia - Melbourne
Monday, July 15th
10:30 am
Mini Exploding Heart: Mini Exploding Heart Quilt Class with Karen - Melbourne
2:30 pm
luckystars: Lucky Stars Quilt Class with Beth - Melbourne
Tuesday, July 16th
10:00 am
Pro1: Prostitcher Class with Phil-Sebastian
10:30 am
Walk About Class with Jody - Melbourne
Wednesday, July 17th
10:00 am
Oxbow Tote with Linda - Melbourne
10:00 am
Make & Take: Make & Take Coasters -Melbourne
Thursday, July 18th
10:30 am
Edge to Edge Quilting Using Amelie Scott Designs by Julie - Melbourne
Friday, July 19th
10:00 am
Philtr: Longarm Table Runner Class with Phil - Sebastian
11:30 am
LMR: Embroidery 1 Lemonade Mug Rug with Beth (machine purchased at Q&L or STQ) - Melbourne
2:00 pm
Traditions: Traditions Quilt Class with Anne - Melbourne
Saturday, July 20th
10:30 am
Argyle: Argyle Quilt with Marcia - Melbourne
12:00 pm
Tannenbaum Table Runner with Jennifer-Sebastian
Monday, July 22nd
10:00 am
debsea: Sea Horse Wall Hanging Class with Debbie - Sebastian
Wednesday, July 24th
10:00 am
Oxbow Tote with Linda - Melbourne
10:00 am
Make & Take: Make & Take Coasters -Melbourne
Thursday, July 25th
1:00 pm
Traditions: Traditions Quilt Class with Anne - Sebastian
2:00 pm
Roman Stripes: Holiday Strip Tubing-Freestyle Roman Stripes with Marcia-Melbourne
Friday, July 26th
10:00 am
debsea: Sea Horse Wall Hanging Class with Debbie - Sebastian
2:00 pm
Traditions: Traditions Quilt Class with Anne - Melbourne
2:00 pm
Crismulti: Holiday Towels on the Multineedle with Cris-Sebastian
6:00 pm
HHQ: Happy Hour Quilting with Beth, David, Anne & Marcia - Virtual
Saturday, July 27th
12:00 pm
Tannenbaum Table Runner with Jennifer-Sebastian
Monday, July 29th
10:30 am
Mini Exploding Heart: Mini Exploding Heart Quilt Class with Karen - Melbourne
2:30 pm
Bargelloskirt: Bargello Tree Skirt with Beth-Melbourne
Tuesday, July 30th
10:00 am
M&T: Make & Take Coasters -Melbourne
10:30 am
Walk About Class with Jody - Melbourne
Wednesday, July 31st
10:00 am
Shirley Test Drive: Test Drive a Serger with Shirley - Sebastian
2:30 pm
Bargelloskirt: Bargello Tree Skirt with Beth-Melbourne