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  Melbourne Location: 321.622.8602
  Sebastian Location: 772.388.1700


1:00 pm
Opensew: Open Sew - Melbourne
1:00 pm
Opensew: Open Sew - Melbourne
10:30 am
Jennifer Sewing 1: Sewing 1 for New Machine Owners (purchased at Quilts and Lace or Sweet Time Quilting) with Jennifer-Melbourne
10:30 am
Jennifer Sewing 1a: Sewing 1 for New Machine Owners (machine purchased elsewhere) with Jennifer-Melbourne
12:30 pm
Jennifer Sewing 2: Sewing 2 for New Machine Owners (machines purchased at Quilts and Lace or Sweet Time Quilting) with Jennifer-Melbourne
12:30 pm
Jennifer Sewing 2a: Sewing 2 for New Machine Owners (machines purchased elsewhere) with Jennifer-Melbourne
1:00 pm
Opensew: Open Sew - Melbourne
1:00 pm
LMR: Embroidery 1 Lemonade Mug Rug with Beth (machine purchased at Q&L or STQ) - Sebastian
1:00 pm
LMRa: Embroidery 1 Lemonade Mug Rug with Beth (machine purchased elsewhere) - Sebastian
10:30 am
PennyDB: Divided Basket by Penny - Melbourne
9:30 am
Shirley S1: Serger 1 for New Machine Owners (purchased at Quilts and Lace or Sweet Time Quilting) with Shirley-Sebastian
9:30 am
Shirley S1a: Serger 1 for New Machine Owners (machines purchased elsewhere) with Shirley - Sebastian
10:30 am
JodyGG: Ginkgo Garden with Jody - Melbourne Location
1:00 pm
IngridZT: Zentangle Tote Bag with Ingrid - Sebastian
9:30 am
BJCOMP: Computer Basics for Embroidery Software Class with BJ- Sebastian
10:00 am
JulieJIA: Julie's Jumping Into Accuracy Quilt Class with Julie - Melbourne
10:30 am
IngridSCB: Shell Collecting Bag with Ingrid - Sebastian
1:00 pm
MarciaTT: Tumbling Triangles Class with Marcia - Melbourne
1:00 pm
JulieJIA: Julie's Jumping Into Accuracy Quilt Class with Julie - Sebastian
9:30 am
BJPEP11: Palette 11 or PE 11 Editing class with BJ-Sebastian
9:30 am
Dirty Dozen Fiber Artists Meeting-Melbourne
1:30 pm
LMR: Embroidery 1 Lemonade Mug Rug with Beth (machine purchased at Q&L or STQ) - Melbourne
1:30 pm
LMRa: Embroidery 1 Lemonade Mug Rug with Beth (machine purchased elsewhere) - Melbourne
10:30 am
E2E: Edge to Edge Quilting Using Amelie Scott Designs by Julie - Melbourne
3:30 pm
Blanketing Brevard Meeting-Melbourne
5:00 pm
GravityBOM1: Gravity Block of the Month with David (single class)- Melbourne
5:00 pm
GravityBOM: Gravity Block of the Month with David (10-month class package) - Melbourne
10:00 am
KathyIS: Techniques Class-Industrial Shortcuts with Kathy - Melbourne
1:00 pm
Quilts of Valor Meeting - Melbourne
10:30 am
JodyGG: Ginkgo Garden with Jody - Melbourne Location
3:30 pm
IQ Club: IQ/My Design Center Club with Beth-Melbourne
9:30 am
BJFTCU: Floriani FTCU class with BJ-Sebastian
10:00 am
LindaTZ: Triple Zipper Crossbody Bag Class with Linda - Melbourne
1:00 pm
DebFTT: Foundation Paper Pieced Table Topper with Debbie - Sebastian
9:30 am
Jennifer Sewing 1: Sewing 1 for New Machine Owners (purchased at Quilts and Lace or Sweet Time Quilting) with Jennifer-Sebastian
9:30 am
Jennifer Sewing 1a: Sewing 1 for New Machine Owners (machines purchased elsewhere) with Jennifer-Sebastian
10:30 am
KSRVP: Kimberbell's Stitchin' Rewind 80's Edition Event - Virtual but picking up kit--Melbourne
10:30 am
KSRV: Kimberbell's Stitchin' Rewind 80's Edition Event - Virtual --Melbourne
10:30 am
KSRP: Kimberbell's Stitchin' Rewind 80's Edition Event - in person--Melbourne
12:00 pm
Jenniferpillow: Lucky Charm Pillow with Jennifer - Sebastian
10:00 am
LindaSTYDB: Shop Til You Drop Bag with Linda - Melbourne
3:00 pm
SNC: Scan N Cut Basics with Beth (Machine purchased at Q&L or STQ)-Melbourne
3:00 pm
SNCa: Scan N Cut Basics with Beth (Machine purchased elsewhere) -Melbourne
10:00 am
PennyDB: Divided Basket by Penny - Sebastian
11:00 am
MarilynDZ: Drop Zone with Marilyn - Melbourne
9:30 am
Shirley Test Drive: Test Drive a Serger with Shirley - Sebastian
10:30 am
BJCOMP: Computer Basics for Embroidery Software Class with BJ- Melbourne
1:30 pm
BJPEP11: Palette 11 or PE 11 Editing class with BJ-Melbourne
10:30 am
JodyGG: Ginkgo Garden with Jody - Melbourne Location
1:00 pm
IngridZT: Zentangle Tote Bag with Ingrid - Sebastian
9:30 am
BJDIMEB: DIME Basics Software Class with BJ- Sebastian
10:00 am
LindaTZ: Triple Zipper Crossbody Bag Class with Linda - Melbourne
6:00 pm
HHQ: Happy Hour Quilting with Beth, David, Anne & Marcia - Virtual
9:30 am
Jennifer Sewing 2: Sewing 2 for New Machine Owners (machines purchased at Quilts and Lace or Sweet Time Quilting) with Jennifer-Sebastian
9:30 am
Jennifer Sewing 2a: Sewing 2 for New Machine Owners (machines purchased elsewhere) with Jennifer-Sebastian
10:00 am
JulieJIA: Julie's Jumping Into Accuracy Quilt Class with Julie - Melbourne
1:00 pm
MarciaTT: Tumbling Triangles Class with Marcia - Melbourne
1:00 pm
JulieJIA: Julie's Jumping Into Accuracy Quilt Class with Julie - Sebastian
10:30 am
BJFTCU: Floriani FTCU class with BJ-Melbourne
1:30 pm
BJDIMEB: DIME Basics Software Class with BJ-Melbourne
9:30 am
BethEST: Make & Take Your New Year Shopping Tote with Beth- Sebastian
11:00 am
MarilynSH: Side Hustle with Marilyn - Melbourne
1:00 pm
IngridEC: Make Your Own Valentine Card with Ingrid - Sebastian
10:00 am
Francestp: Thread Painting Your Pet with Frances - Melbourne
9:30 am
Shirley S2: Serger 2 for New Machine Owners (purchased at Quilts and Lace or Sweet Time Quilting) with Shirley-Sebastian
9:30 am
Shirley S2a: Serger 2 for New Machine Owners (machines purchased elsewhere) with Shirley - Sebastian
1:00 pm
IngridEP: Embroidered Pants with Ingrid - Sebastian
10:00 am
BethEST: Make & Take Your New Year Shopping Tote with Beth- Melbourne
10:30 am
KarenTQ: "Pink Lemonade" Tumbler Quilt with Karen - Melbourne